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Library of Congress Country Profile.

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UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators

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On the Web: Articles

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Countrywatch: Belize.

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In the Library: Articles

Boland, Nigel. "Colonization & slavery in Central America," in P.E. Lovejoy & N. Rogers (eds.) Unfree Labour in the Development of the Atlantic World (Portland OR: Frank Cass, 1994), pp. 11-25.

Broad, Dave. "Belize: on the rim of the cauldron," Monthly Review 35,9 (2/84):38-47.

Buhler, Richard D. SJ. "Land use & labour control in Belize: a review essay," Plantation Society in the Americas 1,1 (11/78).

Collins, Charles. "Nation-building & political geography: the case of Belize," U. of Kansas Graduate Studies on Latin America 3 (1974):23-45.

Ergood, Bruce. "Belize: an introduction," Latin American Research Review 26,3 (1991):257-66.

Everitt, John C. "The growth & development of Belize City," Journal of Latin American Studies 18,1 (1986):75-112.

Green, William A. "The perils of comparative history: Belize & the British sugar colonies after slavery," Comparative Studies in Society & History 26 (1984).

Grunewald, Donald. "The Anglo-Guatemalan dispute over British Honduras," Caribbean Studies 5,1 (7/65):17-45.

Helms, Mary W. "Black Carib domestic organization in historical perspective: traditional origins of contemporary patterns," Ethnology 20,1 (1981):77-86.

Higinio, Egbert & Ian Munt. "Belize: eco-tourism gone awry," NACLA Report 26,4 (2/93):8-11.

Lipske, Michael. "How a monkey saved the jungle," in Susan E. Place (ed.) Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature & Society in Transition (Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 1993), pp. 217-23

McNairn, Rosemarie M. "Baiting the British bull: a fiesta, trials, & a petition in Belize," The Americas 55,2 (10/98):240-74.

Moberg, Mark. "Crown colony as banana republic: the United Fruit Co. in British Honduras, 1900-1920," Journal of Latin American Studies 28,2 (5/96).

__________. "Continuity under colonial rule: the alcalde system & the Garifuna in Belize, 1858-1969," Ethnohistory 39,1 (win 92):1-19.

Payne, A.J. "The Belize triangle: relations with Britain, Guatemala & the US," Journal of Interamerican Studies & World Affairs 32,1 (spr 90):119-35.

Simons, Paul. "Belize at the crossroads," New Scientist 120,1636 (10/28/88):61-66. Development threatens forests.

Stone, Michael. "La política cultural y la identidad maya en Belice," Mesoamérica 29 (6/95):167-214.

Wilk, Richard & Mac Chapin. "Belize: land tenure & ethnicity," Cultural Survival Quarterly 12,2 (1989):41-45.

Woods, Louis A.; Joseph M. Perry & Jeffrey W. Steagall. "The composition & distribution of ethnic groups in Belize: immigration & emigration patterns, 1980-1991," Latin American Research Review 32,3 (1997):63-88.

Young, Alma H. & Dennis H. Young. "The impact of the Anglo-Guatemalan dispute on the internal politics of Belize," Latin American Perspectives 57 (spr 88):6-30.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Ashcroft, Norman. Colonialism & Underdevelopment. Processes of Political Change in British Honduras (NY: Columbia, 1973). Emphasizes the history of the logging industry.

Bolland, Nigel. The Formation of a Colonial Society: Belize, from Conquest to Crown Colony (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1977). History to 1871.

__________. Belize, a New Nation in Central America (Boulder: Westview, 1986).

__________. Colonialism & Resistance in Belize: Essays in Historical Sociology (Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize: Cubola, 1988).

Clegern, Wayne. British Honduras: Colonial Dead End, 1859-1900 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U, 1967).

Dobson, Narda. A History of Belize (London: Longman, 1972).

Gonzalez, Nancie L. Sojourners of the Caribbean: Ethnogenesis & Ethnohistory of the Garifuna (Urbana IL: U. Illinois, 1988).

Grant, Cedric H. The Making of Modern Belize (NY: Cambridge, 1976).

Kerns, Virginia. Women & the Ancestors: Black Carib Kinship & Ritual (Urbana: U. Illinois, 1983).

Latin America Bureau. The Belize Issue (London, 1978).

McLaurin, Irma. Women of Belize: Gender & Change in Central America (New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers, 1996).

Medina, Laurie Kroshus. Negotiating Economic Development: Identity Formation & Collective Action in Belize (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 2004).

Moberg, Mark. Myths of Ethnicity & Nation: Immigration, Work, & Identity in the Belize Banana Industry (Knoxville: U. Tennessee, 1997).

Sutherland, Anne. Caye Caulker: Economic Success in a Belizean Fishing Village (Boulder: Westview, 1986).

Taylor, Douglas M. The Black Carib of British Honduras (NY: Wenner-Gren, 1951).

In the Library: Fiction

Edgell, Zee. Beka Lamb (London: Heinemann, 1982).

Hernández, Felicia. Those Ridiculous Years & Other Garifuna Stories (Belize City: Angelus, 1988).

Phillips, Michael D. Snapshots of Belize: An Anthology of Short Fiction (Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize: Cubola, 1995).

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

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