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US & Mexico

(see also US & the Caribbean, US & Central America, US & Latin America, American Empire)

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In the Library: Articles

Aguilar Camín, Hector. "México y los Estados Unidos: dos naciones," in his Saldos de la Revolución (México, 1982), pp. 237-48.

Aguilar Zinser, Adolfo. "Mexico & the US: the lost path," in S. Purcell (ed.) Mexico in Transition (NY, 1988).

Astiz, Carlos. "Mexico's foreign policy: disguised dependency," Current History (1974).

Broderick, F.L. "Liberalism & the Mexican crisis of 1927: a debate between Norman Thomas & John A. Ryan," Catholic Historical Review 45 (1959).

Brothers, Dwight S. "Mexico-US economic relations in historical perspective," in Poulson & Osborn (eds.) US-Mexican Economic Relations (Boulder, 1979), pp. 11-22.

Brown, Lyle C. "The politics of US-Mexican relations: problems of the 1970s in historical perspective," in J. Wilkie & others (eds.) Contemporary Mexico (Berkeley, 1976), pp. 471-93.

Castañeda, Jorge. "En busca de una posición ante Estados Unidos," in Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Lecturas de política exterior mexicana (México, 1979), pp. 351-68.

__________. "Special problems & a not-so-special relationship: Mexican foreign policy & the US," in T.S. Montgomery (ed.) Mexico Today (Philadelphia, 1982), pp. 127-38.

Cline, Howard F. "Moral imperialism & US intervention," in Wilkie & Michaels (eds.) Revolution in Mexico (NY, 1969), pp. 87-94.

Craig, Richard B. "La campaña permanente: Mexico's anti-drug campaign," Journal of Inter-American Studies & World Affairs 20,1 (1978):107-32.

__________. "Operación condor: Mexico's anti-drug campaign enters a new era," Journal of Inter-American Studies & World Affairs 22,3 (1980):345-64.

Cumberland, Charles C. "The Jenkins case & Mexican-American relations," Hispanic American Historical Review 31,4 (11/51):586-607.

Delpar, Helen. "Frank Tannenbaum: the making of a Mexicanist, 1914-1933," The Americas 45 (10/88):153-72.

Engel, James F. "The Revolution & Mexico's foreign policy," Foreign Affairs (10/69).

Flores Caballero, Romeo. "Mexio in the international system & its relations with the US," Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies 4 (1975):19-28.

Gibbs, William E. "Diaz' executive agents & US foreign policy," Journal of Inter-American Studies & World Affairs 20,2 (1978):165-90.

Gilderhus, Mark T.R. "US-Mexican relations since 1910: a survey," in D. Raat & W. Beezley (eds.) 20th-C. Mexico (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1986), pp. 55-66.

Gilly, Adolfo. México: la larga travesía (México, 1985). Includes several incisive essays on relations with US.

Green, Rosario. "La dependencia financiera de México frente a Estados Unidos: algunas consecuencias," in Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Lecturas de política exterior mexicana (México, 1979).

Grinspun, Ricardo & Maxwell A. Cameron. "NAFTA & the political economy of Mexico's external relations," Latin American Research Review 31,3 (1996): 161-88.

Grove, Wayne A. "The Mexican Farm Labor Program, 1942-1964: government-administered labor market insurance for farmers," Agricultural History 70 (spr 96):302-20.

Hale, Charles A. "Frank Tannenbaum & the Mexican Revolution," Hispanic American Historical Review 75,2 (5/95):215-46.

Hawley, Ellis W. "The politics of the Mexican labor issue, 1950-1965," Agricultural History 40 (1966):157-76.

Hindman, E. James. "¿Confusión o conspiración? Estados Unidos frente a Obregón," Historia Mexicana 25,2 (10-12/75):271-301.

Holland, Gina. "High court to consider US arrests overseas," San Jose Mercury (12/2/03).

Horn, James J. "El Embajador Sheffield contra el Presidente Calles," Historia Mexicana 78 (1970):265-85.

__________. "Did the US plan an invasion of Mexico in 1927?" Journal of Inter-American Studies & World Affairs 15,4 (1973).

__________. "US diplomacy & the 'specter of Bolshevism' in Mexico, 1924-27," The Americas 32 (1975):31-45.

Jones, Errol Dean. "Echeverría & the US: Mexico's deepening dependency" (Latrobe U. Institute of Latin American Studies Occasional Paper; Melbourne, 1979).

León, Samuel y Silvia Ortega. "La Cámara Americana de Comercio, 1917-1940," Azcapotzalco 2,4 (9-12/81):187-208. US business organization in Mexico City.

Lyman, Donald. "US-Mexican relations: time for a change," in S. Purcell (ed.) Mexico in Transition (NY, 1988).

Meyer, Michael C. "Mexican views of the US," in D. Raat & W. Beezley (eds.) 20th-C. Mexico (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1986), pp. 286-300.

Montaño, María Cristina. "La comprensión de la historia de los Estados Unidos como un elemento esencial para la liberación nacional," Iztapalapa 2,4 (1-6/81):222-42.

Nolan, Mary Lee & Sidney Nolan. "The evolution of tourism in 20th-c. Mexico," Journal of the West 27,4 (10/88):14-25.

Ojeda Gómez, Mario. "El perfil internacional de México en 1980," in Perfil de México en 1980 (México, 1973), p. 289-324.

__________. "México ante los Estados Unidos en 1977," in Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Lecturas de política exterior mexicana (México, 1979), pp. 213-45.

__________. "The structural context of US-Mexican relations," in T.S. Montgomery (ed.) Mexico Today (Philadelphia, 1982), pp. 109-14.

Olloqui, José Juan de. "On the formulation of US policy toward Mexico," in S. Purcell (ed.) Mexico in Transition (NY, 1988).

Park, Joseph F. "The Apaches in Mexican-American relations," in O. Martínez (ed.) US-Mexico Borderlands (Wilmington DE, 1996).

Paz, Octavio. "Reflections: Mexico & the US," New Yorker (9/17/79):136-42.

__________. "Mexico & the US: positions & counterpositions," in T.S. Montgomery (ed.) Mexico Today (Philadelphia, 1982), pp. 1-21.

Paz Salinas, María Emilia. "México y la defensa hemisférica, 1939-1942," in Loyola (coord.) Entre la guerra y la estabilidad política (México, 1990), pp. 49-64.

Pellicer de Brody, Olga. "Relaciones exteriores: interdependencia con Estados Unidos o proyecto nacional," in México Hoy (México, 1979), pp. 372-84.

__________. "La política de Estados Unidos hacia México, 1976-1978," in Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Lecturas de política exterior mexicana (México, 1979), pp. 247-84.

Raast, W. Dirk. "US intelligence operations & covert action in modern Mexico, 1900-1947," Journal of Contemporary History 22 (10/87):615-38.

Reynolds, T.H. "México y los Estados Unidos, 1921-1951," Historia Mexicana 7 (1953):412-20.

Ross, Stanley R. "Dwight Morrow & the Mexican Revolution," Hispanic American Historical Review 38 (1958):506-28.

Salvucci, Linda. "Did NAFTA rewrite history? Recent Mexican views of the US past," Journal of American History 82,2 (9/95):643-47.

Schuler, Friedrich E. "Mexico & the outside world," in Meyer & Beezley (eds.) Oxford History of Mexico (Oxford, 2000), pp. 503-41.

Scruggs, Otey. "Evolution of the Mexican Farm Labor Agreement of 1942," Agricultural History 34,3 (1960):140-49.

Sepúlveda, César. "Sobre reclamaciones de norteamericanos a México," Historia Mexicana 42 (1961):180-206.

Sinkin, Richard N. "Relaciones económicas entre México y los Estados Unidos desde el Porfiriato," Comunidad 9,50 (11/74):447-77.

Smith, Peter S. "Mexico: the continuing quest for a policy," in R. Newfarmer (ed.) From Gunboats to Diplomacy (Baltimore, 1984), pp. 37-53.

Smith, Robert Freeman. "The Morrow mission & the International Committee of Bankers on Mexico: the interaction of finance diplomacy & the new Mexican elite," Journal of Latin American Studies 1 (11/69):149-66.

Tate, Michael L. "Pershing's punitive expedition: pursuer of bandits or presidential panacea?" The Americas 32,1 (7/75):46-71.

Torres, Blanca. "La guerra y la posguerra en las relaciones de México y Estados Unidos," in Loyola (coord.) Entre la guerra y la estabilidad política (México, 1990), pp. 65-82.

Valero, Ricardo. "La política exterior de México: el proyecto de Echeverría," in Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Lecturas de política exterior mexicana (México, 1979).

Villar, Samuel I. del. "A Mexican-US energy market: the conflict of interest," in T.S. Montgomery (ed.) Mexico Today (Philadelphia, 1982), pp. 121-26.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Aguayo Quezada, Sergio. El panteón de los mitos (México, 1998).

Barkin, David & others. Las relaciones México-Estados Unidos (México: Nueva Imagen, 1980).

Bilateral Commission on the Future of US-Mexican Relations. The Challenge of Interdependence: Mexico & the US (Lanham MD, 1989).

Britton, John A. Revolution & Ideology: Images of the Mexican Revolution in the US (Lexington, 1995).

Buchenau, Jürgen (ed.) Mexico OtherWise: Modern Mexico in the Eyes of Foreign Observers (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 2005).

Buendia, Manuel. La CIA en México (México, 1984).

Callahan, James M. American Foreign Policy in Mexican Relations (NY, 1967).

Carballo, Emmanuel. ¿Qué país es este? Los Estados Unidos y los gringos vistos por escritores mexicanos de los siglos xix y xx (México, 1996).

Castañeda, Jorge. & Robert A. Pastor. Límites en la amistad: México y los Estados Unidos (México, 1989).

Cline, Howard F. The US & Mexico [1953] (rev. ed. NY, 1963).

Cronon, E. David. Josephus Daniels in Mexico (Madison: U. of Wisconsin, 1960).

Davidow, Jeffrey. The US & Mexico: The Bear & the Porcupine (Princeton NJ: Markus Wiener, 2004. Author was US Ambassador, 1998-2002.

Delpar, Helen. The Enormous Vogue of Things Mexican: Cultural Relations between the US & Mexico, 1920-1935 (Tuscaloosa: U. of Alabama, 1992).

Dillon, Emile Joseph. Mexico on the Verge (NY, 1921).

Esquivel Obregón, Toribio. Influencia de España y Estados Unidos sobre México (Madrid, 1918).

Heflin, J.T. Efforts to Involve the US in War with Mexico (Washington: Congressional Record, 1927). Catholic campaign to bring about intervention against Calles government during Cristero War.

James, Daniel. Mexico & the Americans (NY: Praeger, 1963).

Knight, Alan. US-Mexican Relations, 1910-1940: An Interpretation (San Diego, 1987).

Ladman, Jerry & Others. US-Mexico Energy Relationships (Lexington, 1981).

Levenstein, Harvey A. Labor Organizations in the US & Mexico: A History of their Relations (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1971).

Machado, Manuel. Aftosa: A Historical Survey of Foot-&-Mouth Disease & Inter-American Relations (Albany: SUNY, 1970).

Mahoney, Harry T. & Marjorie L. Mahoney. Espionage in Mexico: The 20th C. (Bethesda MD, 1997). American, German, Japanese, Russian & Cuban, from the Díaz era to the present.

McConnell, Burt M. Mexico at the Bar of Public Opinion (NY, 1939). US press comment on the Mexican Revolution.

Meyer, Lorenzo. Los grupos de presión extranjeros en el México revolucionario (1919-1940)
(México, 1973).

Musgrave, Peggy B. (ed.) Mexico & the US: Studies in Economic Interaction (Boulder, 1985).

Niblo, Stephen R. War, Diplomacy & Development: The US & Mexico, 1938-1954 (Wilmington DE, 1995).

Nicolson, Harold. Dwight Morrow (London, 1935).

Nugent, Daniel (ed.) Rural Revolt in Mexico & US Intervention (San Diego, 1988).

Oles, James. South of the Border: Mexico in the American Imagination, 1914-1947 (Washington, 1993).

Ortega y Medina, Juan A. México en la conciencia anglosajona (México, 1953).

Paz, María Emilia. Strategy, Security & Spies: Mexico & the US as Allies in World War II (University Park: Pennsylvania State U., 1997).

Pellicer de Brody, Olga y Esteban L. Mancilla. Historia de la Revolución Mexicana, vol. 23, 1952-60: El entendimiento con los Estados Unidos y la gestión del desarrollo estabilizador (México, 1978).

Poulson, Barry W. & T. Noel Osborn (eds.) US-Mexico Economic Relations (Boulder, 1979).

Quirk, Robert E. An Affair of Honor: Woodrow Wilson & the Occupation of Vera Cruz (Lexington: U. of Kentucky, 1962).

Raast, W. Dirk. Mexico & the US: Ambivalent Vistas (Athens: U. of Georgia, 1992).

Riding, Alan. Distant Neighbors: A Portrait of the Mexicans (NY, 1984).

Rodríguez O., Jaime E. & Kathryn Vincent (eds.) Myths, Misdeeds & Misunderstandings: The Roots of Conflict in US-Mexican Relations (Wilmington DE, 1997).

__________ & Kathryn Vincent (eds.) Common Border, Uncommon Paths: Race, Culture & National Identity in US-Mexican Relations (Wilmington DE, 1997).

Roett, Riordan (ed.) Mexico's External Relations in the 1990s (Boulder, 1991).

Ross, Stanley (ed.) Views Across the Border: The US & Mexico (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1978).

Schmitt, Karl M. Mexico & the US, 1821-1973: Conflict & Coexistence (Chichester, 1974).

Schuler, Friedrich E. Mexico Between Hitler & Roosevelt: Mexican Foreign Relations in the Age of Lázaro Cárdenas (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1999).

Smith, Robert Freeman. The US & Revolutionary Nationalism in Mexico, 1916-1932 (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1972).

Spenser, Daniela. El triángulo imposible: México, Rusia Soviética y Estados Unidos en los años veinte (México, 1998).

Stout, Joseph A. Border Conflict: Villistas, Carrancistas & the Punitive Expedition, 1915-1920 (Fort Worth, 1999).

Tello, Carlos & Clark Reynolds (eds.) Las relaciones México-Estados Unidos (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 198?).

Tompkins, Frank. Chasing Villa: Pershing's Expedition into Mexico (Harrisburg PA, 1934).

Vásquez, Carlos & Manuel García y Griego (eds.) Mexican-US Relations: Conflict & Convergence (Los Angeles, 1983).

Vázquez, Josefina Zoraida & Lorenzo Meyer. The US & Mexico (Chicago, 1986). History of the influence of US politics, economy & culture on Mexico, & of Mexico's efforts at self-defense.

Walling, William E. The Mexican Question: Mexico & American-Mexican Relations under Calles & Obregón (NY, 1927).

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